Become the starlight magician of your life as we and the teams of light, guide and support you into awakening the embodiment of your quantum self; accessing and igniting the vastness of infinite possibilities and potentialities within and beyond the time space vacuum.
Portal with us through dimensional gateways to the vastness of creation where time is no longer and your highest self resides!
IN PERSON Gathering.
Quantum activations and soulight transformations call forth as the old world disappears and you creatively build yOur new! Guided quantum journeys, quantum sound vibrational frequencies, neuro-transmissions, celestial remembering, and source light illumination transform you - shifting and expressing – exploring and supporting your divine power. Luminescence of the divine within glows – multifaceted and multidimensional.
Join us for galactic leaps in consciousness as we flow within the vastness of this quantum life journey and cosmic symphony - boarding the Star Flight of the soul to worlds, frequencies, and realms of magic! Transcending all, we enter into Source to receive activations and upgrades. It is to remember the wisdom of our Highest Self; to flow in union with our Teams in Spirit and to travel the highest cosmic frequencies within the quantum of all we are!
Please note that this offering is not designed to be a simple sound bath or meditation. There are many such sessions already available. The specific purpose of this offering is to provide the next step - transcendence and flight into the quantum realm of healing where so much more presents.
This Quantum 3.0hr mini retreat lovingly welcomes you within the Violet Flame of Transmutation Quantum Meditation and Diamond Light Sound & Quantum Frequency Activation. The soothing soundscapes, copper pyramids and the aroma-essence, of specifically chosen Organic essential oils, lovingly welcome you into this sacred portal space! You are gifted treats, healthful surprises and an elixir tea to begin the Star Flight journey as we flow within source. Introductions, sacred welcoming -holding your center/ being the light, and breathwork prepare for the Violet Flame and Diamond Light Activation experiential journey!
The guided meditation direct from Quantum Cosmic Source Knowledge continues the journey, while sound vibration therapy supports throughout. Voices of the Angelic Therapy Harp, Zaphir (Shanti) Chimes, Tibetan and Nepalese Singing Bowls, Woodstock Chimes, and crystal singing bowls collaborate beautifully, creating gentleness, peace, harmony, while raising your etheric vibrational frequencies… soothingly comforting and enlightening in presentation.
The frequencies aligning in energic coherence, opening quantum portals within and without; as you continue the cleansing, clearing and purification of the Violet Flame of Transmutation process and integrational experience. Holy Fire Reiki healing is energetically offered as support for each participant (if you choose), and messages received from Source and Spirit are shared.
The Violet Flame, a radiant and sacred fire, a divine gift bestowed upon those who seek to transform the very fabric of their being. It is the alchemical light of the cosmos, imbued with the essence of transendent wisdom, grace and divine love. Born from the heart of creation, this sacred flames weaves through the veils of existence, purifying all that is before it. It is the fire of the souls awakening, igniting dormant powers within, and burning away the illusions of separation and limitation. To be within the embrace of the Violet Flame is to be in the presence of the Divine, bathed in luminosity of mercy and forgiveness. It purifies the mental and emotional bodies, leaving a tapestry of peace, love and harmony; refining and elevating, turning the lead of the soul in to the purest of gold of enlightenment.
The Diamond Light of Creation is the pure, unblemished radiance that eminates from the bvery core of life, a light so luminous and immaculate that is transcends all earthly perceptions of brilliance. It is the essence of divine creation, a crystal clear beam of Source Energy that contains within it the goldprint of all that is, was and ever will be.
This light is illumination and frequencies of Divine will, a radiant power that brings into beingall that is concieved within the mind of the Creator. It carries frequencies of purity, divine pwerfection, and infinite potential. Each facet of the Diamond Light reflects the harmony of the universe, a dance of cosmic geometry and divine order. It is the ultimate energy of manifestation and transformation, aligning the soul with its highest purpose and revealing the hidden truths of lifes presentation. THis light is crystalline and eternal, the radiant spark that ignites the souls return to divine source, guiding with clarity, purity and luminosity.
Resonant quantum frequencies, offering the voices of planetary gongs (and their 5th dimensional vibrational frequency evolution), crystal, alchemy and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, percussion, voice and Language of Light harmonize with instrumental soundscapes to create a unique and transformative sound bath like no other! This sound alchemy masterfully and majestically weaves a tapestry of profound and transformative tones. This union of creative frequency, source expression is truly a quantum cosmic symphony that envelopes you in healing harmonics within and beyond quantum – transporting you gently and easily through the portals of your ascension journey! The sound symphony uplifts and activates body, mind, and soul in a sacred energetic dance within transformation and creation that is guided in collaboration with Light Beings and our Teams of Light. Introducing encoded activation frequencies expressed as magical and mystical sounds rarely yet heard on Earth. The effect is purity of celestial luminescence.
A sonic landscape guiding and supporting your journey into the depths of self-discovery, healing resonance, and remembrance of the quantum soul self. Psychic gifts are awakened, creativity is sparked, soul messages are received, and the heart is opened.
The session concludes with a Musical Mantra that you are invited to join in with in voice or simply continuing your silent meditational journey; closing blessing; news updates and Q & A sharing.
Each sound session is a bespoke experience, finely tuned to your unique soulight energy and intentions. Let the vibrations and frequencies guide you toward relaxation, stress relief, a profound connection with your inner self, transforming deeply rooted/imprinted illusions of the self along your journey through portals into the quantum realm of infinite possibilities and potentialities!
~ In divine loving light and radiance,
Jolene Tse and Marianne Hang