quantum retreats and mastery series

Celestial Journey into the Quantum- Invocation Meditation Archangel Michael for Saftey & Protection; The Sword of Excalibur Sound Activation

Celestial Journey into the Quantum- Invocation Meditation Archangel Michael for Saftey & Protection; The Sword of Excalibur Sound Activation

It is to remember the wisdom of our Highest Self; to flow in union with our Teams in Spirit and to travel the highest cosmic frequencies within the quantum of all we are!

Archangel Michael, the mighty defender of light, stands as a celestial warrior cloaked in divine power and unwavering strength. With his radiant sword he cuts through shadows, dispelling darkness and protecting the soul from harm. As a beacon of courage and justice, he guides those who call upon him with clarity and purpose, helping them rise above their struggles.

The Sword of Excalibur, forged in the heart of a mystical realm, crafted by ancient, celestial energies. It was born from the molten core of the star and tempered in the waters of Avalon, a land untouched by earthly hands. The blade gleams with a silver hue, seemingly forged from the very essence of light, while the hilt adorned with intricate runes that luminate with a soft etherical radiance.

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Celestial Journey into the Quantum - Spring Equinox Starlight Celebration

Celestial Journey into the Quantum - Spring Equinox Starlight Celebration

Quantum activations and soul light transformations call forth as the old world disappears and you creatively build yOur new!

Guided quantum journeys, quantum sound vibrational frequencies, neuro-transmissions, celestial remembering, and source light illumination transform you - shifting and expressing – exploring and supporting your divine power. Luminescence of the divine within glows – multifaceted and multidimensional.

Cosmic blessings from The Light Beings that gather, natures reawakening, and our teams in Spirit; igniting etherical transformational celebration of fertility, evolutionary growth and the promise as chosen of new beginnings!

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StarSeed Mastery Series

StarSeed Mastery Series

The StarSeed Mastery Series is a collaboration of teachings, practices and meditations created to assist starseeds (individual whom have originated from other star systems or universes) innerstanding and fully embracing their souls mission on earth. The series includes a variety of focus’s including self empowerment, spiritual growth, support, multi-dimensionality and quantum ascension.

This Mastery Series provides a comprehensive and wholistic approach to embracing and embodying one’s cosmic origins, integrating spiritual wisdom and protecting personal energy. It offers a pathway for starseeds to align with their true selves, navigate the earthly experience with grace and actively participate in the planetary ascension and new earth building process. Through the combination of self-awareness, practical ascension, evolutionary tools and guided meditations, starseeds are empowered to live their most authentic, integral and soulfully impactful lives.

These mastery level workshops support DNA and Light Activation, raising the Starseed frequency and Light quotient to be in greatest alignment with the continued transition through the third density and into the higher, lighter frequency densities. The Ascension Event is imminent and the time for transformational evolution is now.

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Celestial Journey into the Quantum  - Rise of the Star nations Meditation & Star Beings Sound Activation

Celestial Journey into the Quantum - Rise of the Star nations Meditation & Star Beings Sound Activation

Become the starlight magician of your life as we and the teams of light, guide and support you into awakening the embodiment of your quantum self; accessing and igniting the vastness of infinite possibilities and potentialities within and beyond the time space vacuum.

Join us for galactic leaps in consciousness as we flow within the vastness of this quantum life journey and cosmic symphony - boarding the Star Flight of the soul to worlds, frequencies, and realms of magic! Transcending all, we enter into Source to receive activations and upgrades. It is to remember the wisdom of our Highest Self; to flow in union with our Teams in Spirit and to travel the highest cosmic frequencies within the quantum of all we are!

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Celestial Journey into the Quantum -Violet Flame of Transmutation and Diamond Light Activation

Celestial Journey into the Quantum -Violet Flame of Transmutation and Diamond Light Activation

Portal with us through dimensional gateways to the vastness of creation where time is no longer and your highest self resides!

Quantum activations and soulight transformations call forth as the old world disappears and you creatively build yOur new! Guided quantum journeys, quantum sound vibrational frequencies, neuro-transmissions, celestial remembering, and source light illumination transform you - shifting and expressing – exploring and supporting your divine power. Luminescence of the divine within glows – multifaceted and multidimensional.

The Violet Flame, a radiant and sacred fire, a divine gift bestowed upon those who seek to transform the very fabric of their being. It is the alchemical light of the cosmos, imbued with the essence of transcendent wisdom, grace and divine love. Born from the heart of creation, this sacred flames weaves through the veils of existence, purifying all that is before it. It is the fire of the souls awakening, igniting dormant powers within, and burning away the illusions of separation and limitation. To be within the embrace of the Violet Flame is to be in the presence of the Divine, bathed in luminosity of mercy and forgiveness. It purifies the mental and emotional bodies, leaving a tapestry of peace, love and harmony; refining and elevating, turning the lead of the soul in to the purest of gold of enlightenment.

The Diamond Light of Creation is the pure, unblemished radiance that emanates from the very core of life, a light so luminous and immaculate that is transcends all earthly perceptions of brilliance. It is the essence of divine creation, a crystal clear beam of Source Energy that contains within it the goldprint of all that is, was and ever will be.

This light is illumination and frequencies of Divine will, a radiant power that brings into being all that is conceived within the mind of the Creator. It carries frequencies of purity, divine perfection, and infinite potential. Each facet of the Diamond Light reflects the harmony of the universe, a dance of cosmic geometry and divine order. It is the ultimate energy of manifestation and transformation, aligning the soul with its highest purpose and revealing the hidden truths of life’s presentation. This light is crystalline and eternal, the radiant spark that ignites the souls return to divine source, guiding with clarity, purity and luminosity.

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